Advice For Starting Your Own Organic Garden

If you are completely new to the world of organic gardening, then you are probably…

If you are completely new to the world of organic gardening, then you are probably thinking that some tips on organic gardening will help you immensely so that you can begin growing your own organic plants. Listed below are some tips to get you started with your organic gardening endeavors.

To protect your crops from being ravaged by pests such as deer and other nuisance animals, be sure to fence your garden securely. A good fence will also keep other people from trampling your crops, or worse, stealing them. If you have burrowing pests like gophers, you may want to use raised beds for your vegetables.

If you start to notice some powdery mildew growing on your plants, there is no need to waste money on expensive chemicals. A great home remedy is to mix baking soda with water and a little bit of liquid soap. This solution can be sprayed onto your plants once per week until the problem is resolved. Baking soda is not harmful to your plants and will take care of the issue as well as any other treatment.

Wait for the right moment if you plan on dividing a plant. Leave perhaps two years to grow and divide it at the end of the season when it looks at its best. If your plant shows signs of diseases or has areas with fewer leaves and flowers than others, it is too late.

Before actually putting plants into your garden, check the type and compostion of your soil. An inexpensive soil report can be used to adjust soil nutrients to optimum levels, which will ensure your garden thrives. Many Cooperative Extension offices will provide this service, and it is well worth knowing exactly what the soil needs to avoid ruining a crop or two.

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Pick garden vegetables often and early. While immature, many types of vegetables are very tasty in their young phase. Snap peas, little summer squash, cucumbers, and budding broccoli can be picked to keep the plants in a state of reproduction for a longer period of time. This will also increase yields with a second harvest off of the same plants.

To treat damping-off fungus, use chamomile tea. Brew a batch of chamomile tea, let it cool and pour a generous amount around the base of the seedlings. Use a spray bottle for the stems and foliage of the plant and you will keep damping-off fungus from destroying your garden.

Be sure to water a tomato patch no more than once every five to seven days. However, when you do water, be sure to give the ground a thorough soaking. Tomatoes do best if the soil is wet deeply, unlike many plants which prefer a light misting more often. Also, be sure to water the ground, not the plants.

As you can see from the above list of tips, organic gardening can be very useful in getting the best and freshest produce possible from your plants. After following these tips, you will no longer be new to the world of organic gardening, but you will become an organic gardening expert.