Genie Garage Door Parts

Genie Garage Door Parts Genie makes various replacement parts for it’s openers and remotes that…

Genie Garage Door Parts

Genie makes various replacement parts for it’s openers and remotes that it produces. The Genie company has been in business for quite some time and sells very reliable garage doors and opener products.

Are you thinking of replacing your Genie garage door parts yourself? If so then you may want to keep some basic tools in mind when doing this type of work. Depending on the part or parts that your replacing and their location, it is a good idea to have a few basic tools before you start to work.

For example, you may want a 6 foot ladder, a carpenters level, a hacksaw, tape measure, slotted screwdriver and Philips screwdriver. You may also want a drill, pliers, a hammer and a few other items. Each of these things will assist you with your replacement or repair work.

Also, before you begin to replace any part on this type of door, or opener always be safe. If the opener is plugged into the power supply then disconnect it or turn off the power to it. That way there is no chance of you getting shocked. Please be very careful working on various garage door parts such as garage door springs.

If there is any tension on the garage door springs they can cause you to become injured if that tension is suddenly released. So do your best to carefully remove any part or parts that your replacing. Then install the new parts in the proper way. Be sure to read any instructions that may have been shipped with your replacement part or parts.

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And be sure and double check any serial or model numbers in order to make sure you have the correct one before you start to work.

I can’t tell you how many times I have dismantled something and have the replacement part in my hand only to find that it is the wrong one. That is so very frustrating, so don’t let your pride get in the way. Always measure twice and cut once. Meaning, make sure things are right the first time. If you have to check more than once then by all means do so. Better to be safe by checking more than one time to make sure things are correct.