Gun Safe Accessories

Gun Safe Accessories Gun safe accessories are often given secondary citizenship among first time liberty…

Gun Safe Accessories

Gun safe accessories are often given secondary citizenship among first time liberty gun safe buyers. It is only natural because they tend to add to the pricing of the safe, but this doesn’t mean these items are not necessary, on the contrary some of them are intrinsic to the daily usage of a gun safe and they should be considered the first time around:

Gun Safe Dehumidifier

A gun safe dehumidifier is an often overlooked accessory but it’s function is very important. A gun safe dehumidifier keeps the humidity leveled in the interior protecting metal, or your guns, from rusting. There are several types in the market. One is the Dry-Rod dehumidifier which is plugged into an electrical. Air is heated by the Rod then rises to the top of the gun safe to then be replaced by colder air, producing air movement constantly. This process raises the temperature of the guns slightly enough (3 degrees) to avoid moisture. Another options is the renowned Eva-Dry Dehumidifier. One of the highlights of this product is that it doesn’t require electricity batteries to work, so if you are placing your gun far from an electrical outlet, this is the solution for you. The Eva-Dry is known because it is a non-toxic solution as opposed to calcium chloride bags. It is filled with silica gel which absorb moisture and lock it. When the device is “full” the silica is renewed by plugging the unit into a power outlet. When the indicator goes back to blue the Eva-Dry is ready to go back to the safe. This process can be repeated for up to ten years.

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Accessory Door Panel

The gun safe accessory door panel is included in many higher end models, depending on the brand, if you are buying an entry level gun safe, try to include this in your order. It’s just cool to open the door and have whole set of pockets and compartments to put stuff in them. Believe me, you will find stuff to put there. Usually they have compartments for several handguns, as well as bigger pockets for ammo or whatever you want to put in them, and at least the Liberty Safe option has an insulated pocket for media files. In short, sooner or later you’ll end up getting one of these.

Jewelry Drawer

Is your wife planning to join you in the purchase? There are very nice jewelry drawers to fit different types of safes. I once heard the wife of a customer say that what she liked more about the safe was that regardless of the protection, she knew where her valuables were. A jewelry drawer will help separate guns from your wife’s treasures.

Anchoring Kit

A safe keeps your guns and valuables protected against burglars, but at the same time calls their attention telling them exactly where goodies are. If you place the safe in a place where it is susceptible, for example a garage, and the thieves have transportation and some basic tools, they can take that safe with them. The solution for this is the anchoring kit comprised of thick screws for cement, or also for wood. Installation should be done by professionals.

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Other important gun safe accessories are: Media Cooler, Lighting, Pistol Racks, and Electrical Outlet Kit.