High End Security Solutions – Biometric Access Control

High End Security Solutions – Biometric Access Control With rapid advancement of technology, the issue…

High End Security Solutions – Biometric Access Control

With rapid advancement of technology, the issue of technical security is becoming more and more complex day by day. Access control and biometric access control are the latest high-end security solutions that can assist you in securing your Technical Assets.

Biometric access control is an ultimate solution of security. High-end facial recognition software is an advanced application for access control that is enhanced by the technological advancements. This high-end facial recognition is made possible by the latest technology of access control.

Access control gives fast and smart door access that deals in OEM development system, High-End biometric engineering, Interactive systems and Image processing applications for both security and retail. Customized solutions are also available to the banking and retails sectors for better-enhanced security.

Corporate security and personal identity are the main focus of security solutions. The main thrust areas of many companies are developing, manufacturing, delivering, deploying, and maintaining of biometric identification software and hardware solutions. Integration of corporate security systems based on a universal biometric identification platform, starting from elaborately planning a business concept to delivering a turnkey solution and rendering the appropriate maintenance services.

The Future Scope: Development is customized for any business need or scale, integration with other subsystems and technologies.

Access Control deploys and maintains such wide range of sensitive entrance and solutions for the end-user.

The following types are the state of the art products that cater to different needs of either a single or multiple clients. First is the software that can protect the data from being stolen or being misused by an unauthorized user. Second product is for biometric access control that using the facial recognition system can thwart any major calamity if a wrong person enters the facility or office.

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The other biometric solution is, Visitor Management System is a device that can track the visitors’ entry and exit in the premises of the office using the face recognition software. It is so advanced that it not only stores the snapshot of the visitor, but also records any previous visits that may have occurred.

The other product based on biometric aspect is a time keeping device with advanced features like employee In and Out times, without the need for punching or access cards.

A Revolution in field of Technical Safety: Face Recognition Software Supervision eliminates the need for a username and password. A revolutionary technology enables a secure log in to the Microsoft Windows Environment. This is possible due to the innovative facial recognition technology.

Vetrina is very much like the glass on the shopping window. It is made up of a holographic and transparent interactive display. These applications and products make life easy and secured. They have an innovative technology that is the culmination of years of hard work and innovation. This technology letting their users sleeps easy for one more day… everyday..!