How To Send Your Demo to a Record Company

How To Send Your Demo to a Record Company If you want to create a…

How To Send Your Demo to a Record Company

If you want to create a name in the music industry, the first thing you need to do is to come up with a music demo with some killer songs, then send your demo to a record company who might be interested. Whether you are aspiring to be a singer or a songwriter, this can be first step you need to take in order to have the magic key to open the music industry door.

But let me caution you though that this process is not as easy as it may seem.

It’s only the beginning of a string of things you need to get right in order to bag that dream.

Here are a few tips to help you get started…

1. Record your most impressive songs

Remember, this demo CD can make or break you. If you’re a songwriter, include what you consider to be your masterpieces. Then get a great singer to deliver them in their most impressive light.

If you are a singer, make sure you record songs that highlight your vocal artistry.

Never settle for mediocre work.

2. The next step is to build a press kit

Provide the necessary information about yourself as an artist in the form of a bio. Include a cover letter that states your intent for your career. These things, along with the demo CD itself should be tucked in an appealing envelope so that you will catch the readers attention.

3. Pick your targets

Having done the first 2 steps, the next thing is to start contacting and talking to music publishers, producers or record labels. You can initially send them an email and set an appointment before finally handing out that demo package.

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However, let me remind you that you should only contact people involved in the same music genre that you work in. If you recorded ballads, don’t waste your time talking to people in the heavy metal business. If you make a mistake and find out that you’re talking to the wrong person, just ask them if they could refer you to someone who might help you, that way it’s not a wasted call.

4. Be a pro