Flame Retardant Doors Save Lives

Flame Retardant Doors Save Lives We see the effects of fire on families all too…

Flame Retardant Doors Save Lives

We see the effects of fire on families all too often; on the news, in the papers, and even on our own streets. Most people have seen a burnt out house at some point in their lives; or heard of one in their village or city; and hoped that the people inside made it out alive. Tragically that is not always the case, and sadder still is the fact that measures can be taken to ensure loved ones never have to suffer through a situation as grave as this.

For this reason, it is important to take a good look at your house to make sure that every potential problem is fixed before a tragedy of this nature can occur; not just inside your home, but outside too.

Potential hazards include bad wiring or dodgy plugs; not everyone is an electrician, but you can make sure you are not overloading your plug sockets with extension cables and electrical appliances that are left on unnecessarily. You can make sure that there is nothing left close to gas or open fires; ovens; toasters; even hairdryers, as each of these things can be a possible cause of fire.

Should a fire break out though, there should be measures taken to ensure the blaze does not spread quickly through the house and catch you and your family unawares. A smoke alarm is the best way to ensure everyone knows that they are in danger; and quite rightly it is the law that you make sure you have a working smoke detector fitted in your home, in a place where it can easily pick up on the presence of a fire wherever it may be.

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As far as actual fire deterrents go, a UPVC composite door is perhaps the most cost effective way to go, as well as one of the safest. The thickness of the composite plastic can keep a fire at bay for a prolonged period of time, and, unlike an older wooden variety, does not naturally act as fuel for the flames. People with wooden doors tend to coat them in varnish, which does protect against the elements, but does the opposite when a fire breaks out, simply ensuring that the flammable wood bursts into flames. The layer of flame retardant plastic on the outside of a UPVC composite door is often enough to make sure you have the time you need to get your family and yourself to safety, even when a fire is already spreading.