Public Restrooms Are Improving

Public Restrooms Are Improving When I say that public restrooms are improving, I mean that…

Public Restrooms Are Improving

When I say that public restrooms are improving, I mean that public restrooms are providing more and more automated and sensor-operated dispensers and devices. By doing this, the visitors to these restrooms are afforded different means of avoiding cross-contamination with the germs left behind by other users. Anything that does not have to be touched in order to operate it is a plus in this direction.

For instance, sensor-operated soap dispensers are very useful if one does not have to handle a faucet after washing one’s hands because touching that faucet negates the hand washing. Next the towel dispenser should be a hands free operation. I have seen users move the handles with the back of the hand or wrist but the best solution is a touch free towel dispenser. After that, one has to exit the room. One can open the door with a towel and hope that there is a trashcan nearby. If it is a push open style door, one can use the body or arm to exit. The best way to get around this problem is to provide an arm grasper style handle, a foot operated bracket, or a sensor-operated attachment to the door. The S-Curve doorless exits such as those in airports avoid the problem.

Having recently traveled by air, I am encouraged to see that the newer terminals have installed all of these hands free restroom devices. One can carefully use an airplane restroom and avoid germs. Restaurants still have a long way to go on improving sanitary restrooms. That is unfortunate because unless the user of this germ- ridden restroom disinfects with hand sanitizer after reading the menu(everyone handles it), he or she uses those contaminated hands in order to eat. Schools are having graduations right now, and having attended a few, I can report that they need everything in their restrooms.

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Perhaps all these institutions will serve the Public well in the future.